Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving is only two days away. Soon we’ll be celebrating the year’s harvest with a bounty that our forefathers could scarcely imagine. While the pilgrims were battling starvation, our worst enemies over the holidays are diabetes, heart disease and obesity. But the table is going to be covered with all those goodies! What to do? Once again, here are some favorite tips, shared by dietitians and fellow patients, to survive Thanksgiving dinners with your diet intact.
Use a smaller plate. Research shows that the bigger the plate, the more food you take to fill it. Drink plenty of water, to help fill the stomach and subdue hunger. Put all leftover food away quickly, to limit grazing. Plan a walk or other outdoor activity right after dinner. Exercise will help you feel better, and get you farther away from seconds. Brush your teeth or chew flavored gum right after the meal. My sources say cinnamon is an effective choice.
Thought for the day: Stay away from seconds and thirds. “Stuffing” should only apply to the bird! Dr. Scarborough and his staff wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving. You can reach him at drscarborough@familylifemedical.com.
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