Virus Anxiety

What’s Going Around – Virus Anxiety
The CDC reports that anxiety and depression are up three-fold from last year. Social distancing, working and schooling from home, and severe limitations on gatherings put a serious damper on traditional lines of support and escape from stress.
What to do: Keep COVID in perspective. Medical progress and vaccines WILL help get our society back to normal. Like a long distance runner, acknowledge the pain and choose persistence. Stay informed but don’t obsess over 24 hour news feeds that often dramatize the issue. Isolation can be emotionally taxing. Share your feelings with a friend, family member, or a counselor. Find ways to exercise, stay active, and safely interact with those you care about. If symptoms worsen contact your doctor for advice and access to a psychologist. Medication may be required. If harmful feelings become overwhelming, contact the Tri-County Hotline at 1(800) 936-659-6994, or Aspire Behavioral Health at 936-647-3500.
Thought for the day: This COVID stress is getting old! Seek help before it takes a permanent toll.
What’s Going Around is contributed by family practice doctor Kyle Scarborough, M.D. You can reach him at www.familylifemedical.com
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