What’s Going Around – Holiday Blues

Christmas is fast approaching. As we busy ourselves with holiday chores, others are struggling with loneliness. Social media has made actual human contact less convenient. FaceBook posts, online shopping, and emails tend to isolate people. Seniors are often left to themselves, and the isolation is often magnified by the loss of a spouse.
Signs and symptoms: Depression and a sense of isolation are common, and noticeable in those online posts if you look.
What to do: Focus on making the holidays “meaningful” instead of “happy”. If you think someone is posting notes of sadness, don’t just send a tearful emoji – make a call or a visit. Seniors: if the house is too quiet, don’t sit around waiting for others to come to you. Volunteering to help others in need, through your church or charitable organizations can be very fulfilling. Ask if they need help. There are children and families out there that would really appreciate your effort.
Thought for the day: The personal touch, anyway that you choose, may be the cure for your holiday blues.
Dr. Scarborough and his staff wish you a wonderful holiday season. You can reach him at drscarborough@familylifemedical.com.
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